September 13, 2020
Products are Made in the Factory but Brands are Created in the Mind
No matter how great a product is, they are still inanimate objects. They are cold, hard and can be easily replicated or replaced. Brands, on the other hand, are unique and deliver values beyond the specifications of the product.
Reed Tan
Chief Strategist
No matter how great a product is, they are still inanimate objects.
They are cold, hard and can be easily replicated or replaced. Brands, on the other hand, are unique and deliver values beyond the specifications of the product.
iPhone is Created in the Mind
When Apple launched its first iPhone, it didn’t take long for competitors to come out with their own branded versions of an smartphone. However, Apple still dominated the market with their unique brand personality.
It’s about lifestyle, imagination, innovation, passion, hopes, dreams and aspirations; all these values attached to its product that totally transformed the overall customer experience.
Moreover, products can become obsolete but brands are timeless.
Promise of an Experience
After all, a brand is a promise of an experience and businesses can always ride on their existing brands to come up with new products on the market.
That is, of course, provided that you have been building your brand over the years at the first place.
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