December 18, 2019
Master the Topic, The Message and the Delivery

The late Steve Jobs has always emphasized that the delivery is always the crux of the message. It can’t be just any story about your product; it have to be the story that connects best with your audience’s dreams, vision and values, even when they aren’t clear of what they want exactly.

Reed Tan
Chief Strategist
The late Steve Jobs once said, “Master the topic, the message and the delivery”. He always emphasized that the delivery is always the crux of the message.
Connect Stories with your Dreams
It can’t be just any story about your product; it have to be the story that connects best with your audience’s dreams, vision and values, even when they aren’t clear of what they want exactly.
Be Experts in Your Own Field
Firstly, we have to be experts in our own field of industry before curating the contents of the story. Content that displays expertise inspires confidence in consumers. Won’t you be more confident and comfortable seeking a product or service from a brand because it provides useful information that helps you in your decision-making?
Relevant Content
Having useful relevant content on your website is akin to having great salesmanship on print.
Last but not least, we need to think about how we can deliver the story in a way that resonates with our audience, thus engaging them with their values and dreams.
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