February 15, 2020
“Every Sale has Five Main Obstacles: No Need, No Money, No Hurry, No Desire, No Trust”

Famous author, Zig Ziglar once said, “Every sale has five basic obstacles: no need, no money, no hurry, no desire, no trust.” Your landing page must be able to market your products and services well so people will be keen to submit their enquiry.

Reed Tan
Chief Strategist
Famous author, Zig Ziglar once said, “Every sale has five basic obstacles: no need, no money, no hurry, no desire, no trust.”
And, that applies to lead generation campaigns as well.
After all, a landing page is akin to a digital salesman.
Your landing page must display salesmanship and be able to market your products and services well so people will be keen to submit their enquiry.
Let’s look at these five sales obstacles to improve your landing page experience.
5 Sales Obstacles
- No Need
- No Money
- No Hurry
- No Desire
- No Trust
1. No Need
If your audience who visits your landing page doesn’t have a problem, they don’t need your solution.
That said, you might be attracting the wrong type of audience to your landing page. Google ads is a great way of attracting demand driven audience, people who are looking for a solution to their problem, to your landing page.
If your audience has little needs, you can also make use of content marketing to create a need for your audience.
2. No Money
There are only two reasons why your audience have no budget for your product or services. Either they really don’t have enough budget for your solution or they don’t see the value in your solution.
Your value proposition needs to be clear.
Does your landing page explain clearly how your solution will be able to address their need? What is the unique selling point of your products and services compared to the rest of your #competitors on the market?
3. No Hurry
If the audience doesn’t feel any hurry to pursue your solution, you need to create a sense of urgency.
Creating a sense of urgency doesn’t necessarily need to come in forms of discounts. For example, you can emphasize on the opportunity cost of procrastinating the problem.
4. No Desire
Need and desire are fundamentally different elements in the decision making process.
You don’t need a new iPhone 13 but you want one.
To create desire, you need to reach out to your audience emotionally.
A great example would be Tesla as shared previously.
Tesla understood that people needed new reason to buy new cars when they all had perfectly fine cars. By positioning its customers as early adopters of EVs, it created a heroic persona in audiences who cared about the environment especially tech enthusiasts.
Through emotional marketing, the desire to own a Tesla goes far beyond its specifications.
5. No Trust
We are psychologically hardwired to trust beautiful people. Similarly, having a modern, well designed landing page instils confidence in visitors.
Do you know it only takes 50 milliseconds for visitors to form an impression of a website? Your chance of convincing a new customer might be already gone way before they read your content.
On top of a great website design, you can also feature customer testimonials in your landing page to add credibility.
What do you think? Share with us your thoughts and opinions below.
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