May 28, 2020
“Doing Business without Advertising is like Winking at a Girl in the Dark. You Know What You are Doing, but Nobody Else Does.”

Doing Business without Advertising is like Winking at a Girl in the Dark. You Know What You are Doing, but Nobody Else Does. Steuart Henderson Britt, Famous Psychologist

Reed Tan
Chief Strategist
Beginnings of Tinder
Do you know Tinder first establish its brand via ‘word of mouth’?
They started at college parties where students who wanted to get into the party had to first download the app.
Tinder spread like wildfire (no pun intended) as students eagerly shared the app with their friends and families at home, growing to more than 500,000 users at the end of the first month.
Word by Mouth
And, that is just one example why many businesses love the power of ‘word by mouth’. They are free, they ride on the power of networks, and most importantly, they rarely cost a dime.
As an advertiser, we agree wholeheartedly that these methods are the most tried and true ways of slowly but surely growing an brand.
In fact, there are few other ways as well, such as beating the algorithm of Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin to grow their presence. Steuart Henderson Britt, Famous Psychologist once said, “Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else does.”
Doing Business without Advertising is like Winking at a Girl in the Dark. You Know What You are Doing, but Nobody Else Does.
Steuart Henderson Britt, Famous Psychologist
Waiting for Organic Growth
But the big question is, in today’s highly saturated and advanced global marketplace, do you really have the time and resources to wait for that type of organic growth especially when we have rental and manpower overheads?
Moreover, in the world of saturated advertising today, would the likes of Google, Facebook, Linkedin really prioritise businesses to beat the algorithm that they own to cut into their own ad revenue space?
With thousands of competitors shouting at your potential customers everyday, would your customer eventually hear your voice among the noise, even if you have a great product or service?
Word by mouth is powerful no doubt, but we feel it shouldn’t be your own source of presence on the market.
What do you think, share with your thoughts and opinions in the comment section below.
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