When comes to website design in Singapore, choosing the right image is not just for aesthetic reasons. It’s a powerful tool that can speak a thousand words, spark customers’ interest, and tell a story at a single glance.
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Why Having a Great Website Design in Singapore is Critical in 2024
In 2023 where content is being consumed at an astounding pace, having a great website design that resonates with your audience is more essential than ever.

Top 5 Web Design Agencies in Singapore in 2024: Our Best Competitors
As much as we like to think we are the best web design agency in Singapore, here are some competitors within the industry whose work we love.

Why are White Spaces Important for Website Design in Singapore?
White space is an important component of visual design. But what are they? Why are they important for website design especially in Singapore?

4 Leadership Tips to Learn from Starbucks
Key leadership principles summarized from best selling book, “It’s Not About The Coffee”, written by Howard Behar, former president of Starbucks Coffee Company International.

What Makes a Beautiful Website Design in Singapore?
If you are looking for website design services in Singapore, here are 3 elements to set the stage right for a beautiful website design.

5 Ways You Can Secure Your Website
Website security is something we usually neglect until we actually encounter a breach. Here are 5 ways to ensure the safety of your site.

How to Dominate in Sales: We Interviewed 50 High Achievers
We interviewed 50 high sales achievers from various industries to share tips on how you can dominate in sales.

How to Create a Consistent Branding for Your Website Design
Branding is about creating a consistent identity for your website design. Whether you’re a startup or an established brand, every aspect of your business needs to reflect the same experience.

8 Things to Consider When Planning for Website Redesign
A successful website design is not just about making your website pretty. Here are 8 things you should consider before you look for a website design agency.

How Color Psychology Affects Your Branding
Colors is more than just aesthetics in website design. Embracing color psychology helps you to shape your branding by evoking emotions and influence human behaviors.

What are the Differences Between User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI)?
Having a well designed user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) is essential for a beautiful website design. However, what are the differences between them?

Why Does Ikea Sell Food in their Stores?
Do you know Ikea sells more than 1 billion Swedish meatballs globally each year? Ikea’s founder, Ingvar Kamprad, believed customers should not go hungry. He believed if people are hungry while shopping, they will most likely get distracted by hunger and focus less on shopping.

How to Optimize Images for Website Speed Performance
Unoptimised images are one of the biggest reasons for slow websites. You could use image optimization plugins but wouldn’t it be better if you optimize your images before uploading to your website?

Does Google PageSpeed Insights Matters for Search Engine Optimization?
Most business owners seem to place an unhealthy amount of emphasis to attain perfect scores on Google PageSpeed Insights. Does it matters for Search Engine Optimisation?

How Fast Should Your Website Load in 2024?
We all know that a fast website is essential for a good visitor experience, but how fast do you really want your website to load?

How Supermarkets use Marketing Psychology to Make You Spend More
Do you know supermarkets spend a ton of money researching how to get consumers to spend and buy more? Every element of the shopping experience is meticulously designed to spend more. Let’s break down into these tactics to learn how we we can use it in our business.

WooCommerce vs Shopify: Which is Better for Website Design in Singapore?
If you are looking to start a website design in Singapore, here is a breakdown between WooCommerce and Shopify in 2023.

Why Did Michelin Tyres Found the Michelin Guide, a Foodie Guide that is Totally Unrelated to its Business?
Even if you are not a foodie, you would have heard of the Michelin Guide, a ultimate badge of honor for culinary excellence. However, do you know the Michelin Guide was initially started by Michelin Tyres as a marketing tactic to sell more tyres?

3 Effective Steps to Gain Trust from New Customers
One of the most determining factors that leads to a conversion is to gain customers’ trust. How can we make someone who is new to our brand to trust us?

How to Generate Better Content for Your Customers
Using content marketing is a great way to bait consumers into learning our products and services. People love to be educated, especially on the products or services they are intending to buy. How do we know what kind of content we should produce for our customers?

5 Steps to Creating Consumer Lust
Lust is a highly irrational emotion. With lust, consumers crave for your brand, more than what you are offering. Their needs go far beyond the specifications of your products. So how do we stir desire in consumers?

Design is Simple. Thats Why It’s So Complicated.
When you are creating a simple design, you are amplifying the meaning being conveyed. It takes a lot more to compress sophisticated thought processes into something easy for consumers to understand though a seemingly simple design.

How to be a Superstar with Personal Branding
It doesnt matter who you are. You can be a CEO, a manager or an executive. With a great personal branding strategy, anyone can build their own brand and become a superstar.

🔥 3 Steps to 10X your LinkedIn Engagement with Scrollable Carousel Posts
Scrolling is one of the key engagement signals that ‘tells’ Linkedin algorithm that your content is useful. LinkedIn has introduced the scrollable carousel post featureback in 2018, but recently more businesses are using it to spike engagement.

3 Interesting Statistics about How Users View a Website
We judge people according to how they look, the clothes they wear and the way they act. In the same way, having a great website design has an effect on the perceived credibility and quality of your business. How do users view and judge a website then?

3 Signs Your Website Needs a Redesign
Imagine visiting a website for the first time. It is cluttered, hard to navigate and has many design inconsistencies. Having a great website design is crucial because that is how your audience first perceives your brand. How would you know if your website needs an overhaul then?

The Real Cost of a Poorly Designed Website
CEO of Jaguar Cars, Ralf Speth once shared, “If you think good design is expensive, you should look at the cost of bad design.” If you short-change on the overall experience of your website, you may realize you are losing out much more than you expected.

3 Websites That Offer Best Commercially Free Images without Attribution
The last thing you want to do is to use copyrighted images. Here are 3 websites that offer best commercially free images and videos, you won’t even need to attribute them.

You Only Have 50 Milliseconds to Make a Good First Impression for Your Website
A blink of your eye takes 100 miliseconds, so imagine you only have half of that time to capture your audience attention. Your chance of convincing a new customer might be already gone way before they read your content. How do we determine a great website design?

Which is Better? Google Ads or Facebook Ads?
Google and Facebook are the two main giants of the online advertising industry. Many businesses have been leveraging them to gain brand awareness, generate leads and increases sales. However, since we all have limited ad budgets and resources, which is better for your business?

Successful Rebranding Stories: How Burberry Refashioned Itself into an Iconic British Luxury Brand
Can you imagine Burberry, the iconic British luxury brand, was once likened to a brand for gangsters? People began to disassociate with the brand, and naturally sales started to fall over the years. They had to do something.

5 Website Mistakes to Avoid for Small Businesses in 2024
A bad website can be detrimental to your business. Hence, we’ve compiled 5 main mistakes for you to avoid when putting your website together

3 Steps to Rebrand and Transform your Business Successfully
“You’re in dire need of an upgrade” ~ Tony Stark to Peter Parker, Captain America: Civil War

Top 3 Human Behavioral Designs that Lead to a Good Website Design
A great website is a language, not just a style. Yes, we all do love aesthetically pleasing designs but it is important we understand human behaviors and their thought processes so we can design how users interact with our websites.

3 Steps to Fix Slow Loading Websites
A slow website is a part of poor user experience. It is estimated that 40% of the visitors will abandon your website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load. Not to mention it affects your Google SEO ranking as well.

Authenticity and Storytelling are What that Make Brands Resonate
The hardest thing to get right when connecting with consumers is authenticity. Brands often try too hard in telling consumers what they want to be rather than being true about who they are as a brand.

Don’t Ask How You Can Find Better Customers
Instead of finding audiences who have little interest in your products and push them into a sale, why not help audiences who are looking for your products to find you easier?

“Design is Thinking Made Visual”
Nike’s tick (or Swoosh) was probably one of the most iconic design in the history. It is not just a logo. ts most fundamental level, the Nike Swoosh represents motion and speed. Or perhaps the most famous slogan of all, “Just do it”.

“Facts Tell, But Stories Sell”
Co-author of the Wall Street Journal & New York Times bestselling books “Call to Action”, Bryan Eisenberg once shared, “Effective content marketing is about mastering the art of storytelling.”

In Life, You Need Either Inspiration or Desperation
Tony Robbins once shared, “In life, you need either inspiration or desperation.” We are so addicted to comfort that we struggle to step outside of that comfort zone.

“The Buyer Journey is Nothing More Than a Series of Questions That Must Be Answered.”
Content marketing is important because it helps your audience to answer any questions they may have prior to any decision making. It helps them to make informed decisions so they can buy the exact product or service they need.

5 Key Elements of a Successful Business Website
Having a beautiful website design is important, but what are the core elements of a successful website you should be considering to elevate your business?

7 Words You Didn’t Know Were Actually Brand Names
When the brand experience starts to integrate into the daily lives of consumers, people will start to use them as verb. But do you know there are some brands which are so intertwined in our lives that we have completely forgotten that they are brand names to begin with.

3 Reasons Why Cost Per Lead is an Overrated Statistic for Businesses
Many business owners prefer a lower cost per lead so they can generate as many leads as possible based on their limited budget. After all, more leads equal to more sales, right? Not necessary.

Products are Made in the Factory but Brands are Created in the Mind
No matter how great a product is, they are still inanimate objects. They are cold, hard and can be easily replicated or replaced. Brands, on the other hand, are unique and deliver values beyond the specifications of the product.

3 Things You Should Do to Improve your Digital Ads
It is easy to produce a simple digital ad campaign today. But if everyone knows how to do ads online, how are you going to make sure your ad stands out among the rest?

5 Things You Should Do before Engaging a Digital Marketing Agency
Before we start to look into the capabilities and competencies of a digital marketing agency, it is best to prime your business so you can reap the maximum yield of digital marketing implementation. Here are 5 crucial factors you should look into before engaging a digital marketing agency.

“Doing Business without Advertising is like Winking at a Girl in the Dark. You Know What You are Doing, but Nobody Else Does.”
Doing Business without Advertising is like Winking at a Girl in the Dark. You Know What You are Doing, but Nobody Else Does. Steuart Henderson Britt, Famous Psychologist

“The Art of Marketing is Largely the Art of Brand Building.”
If consumers don’t see the value in a brand, it becomes a commodity. Phillip Kotler who was considered as ‘Father’ of modern marketing once said, “The art of marketing is largely the art of brand building. When something is not a brand, it will be probably be viewed as a commodity.”

How to Bait your Audience with Content Marketing
Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, he will come back to your website to buy hooks, baits and fishing rods for life.

Don’t be Too Quick to Give up an Idea. Sometimes, You Just Need to Give it More Time to Gain Traction.
Managing Partner of Ripple Ventures, Michael Garbe once said, “Don’t be too quick to give up an idea. Sometimes, you just need to give it more time to gain traction.”

“Every Sale has Five Main Obstacles: No Need, No Money, No Hurry, No Desire, No Trust”
Famous author, Zig Ziglar once said, “Every sale has five basic obstacles: no need, no money, no hurry, no desire, no trust.” Your landing page must be able to market your products and services well so people will be keen to submit their enquiry.

5 Reasons why Coworking is Perfect for SMEs in Singapore
Coworking has grown into a global phenomenon. More than 5 million professionals will be working in coworking spaces globally by 2022. What’s the appeal of coworking for SMEs?

Your Brand is What People Say in the Room ~ Jeff Bezos
One of the most damaging myths is the belief that branding is solely one way communication. The truth is that, who you are is not what you said.

Misconceptions of Facebook Marketing
When comes to Facebook marketing strategy, many business owners have a misconception of playing a game of ‘likes’. The truth is having more ‘likes’ does not necessarily translate to a strong brand that generate more sales to your business.

Take a Risk and Keep Testing Because What Works Today Won’t Work Tomorrow, but What Worked Yesterday May Work Again
The only certainty in the world today is change. Nothing is certain. This means we should never become complacent. What could work today could fail tomorrow.

Master the Topic, The Message and the Delivery
The late Steve Jobs has always emphasized that the delivery is always the crux of the message. It can’t be just any story about your product; it have to be the story that connects best with your audience’s dreams, vision and values, even when they aren’t clear of what they want exactly.